High Tech High School Performance Track Dancers Perform Glitter

High Tech High School Performance Track Dancers Perform Glitter

March 6th through the 10th, 2024, the High Tech High School Performance Track Dancers attended and performed at the 14th Annual Regional High School Dance Festival in Norfolk, Virginia, hosted by the Governor's School for the Arts. ‌This marks the 5th time instructor Trista DeFilippis and students have attended the Festival. The students attended classes...

25th Anniversary of the LFNY French Theatre Festival

25th Anniversary of the LFNY French Theatre Festival

High Tech High students celebrated a triumphant return from the 25th Anniversary LFNY French Theatre Festival, showcasing exceptional talent and creativity. Our students presented two original scenes, ingeniously reimagining Moliere's classics, earning them prestigious accolades: Best Actor for Alexander Pereyra, Best Actress for Saorla Rafferty, and Best Original Script for Maya Geller. This achievement not...

First Annual 2024 Chess Rapid Competition

First Annual 2024 Chess Rapid Competition

Return to March, 2024 HCST Connections Issue HCST First Annual Rapid Chess Competition On January 30, 2024, High Tech High School and County Prep High School continued their long-lasting rivalry with the first annual 2024 Chess Rapid Competition. Organized by chess presidents Derek Hsu from High Tech and Mateo Acosta from County Prep, this competition...

North Hudson Sewerage Field Trip

Educating Environmental Leaders: High Tech High School’s Visits NHSA Plant

Educating Environmental Leaders: High Tech High School's Visits NHSA Plant Return to March, 2024 HCST Connections Issue Watch the video In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Secaucus High Tech High School's Junior students Environmental Science Academy is leading the charge in educating and inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards. Recently, the Academy...

Habitat for Humanity – Architecture Seniors Trip

Habitat for Humanity – Architecture Seniors Trip

Habitat for Humanity – Architecture Seniors Trip Return to March, 2024 HCST Connections Issue On March 13, 2024, the Architecture Studio seniors and a few juniors, guided by Ms. Batista, the architecture instructor, and Mr. Morrison, the guidance counselor, joined forces with Habitat for Humanity's Critical Repairs program. Working alongside volunteers like Construction Manager Rick,...

High Tech's Environmental Science Academy Students Present Their Research On Global Food Security

High Tech’s Environmental Science Academy Students Present Their Research On Global Food Security

Return to March, 2024 HCST Connections Issue High Tech's Environmental Science Academy Students PresentTheir Research On Global Food Security Three ambitious seniors from High Tech’s Environmental Science Academy, Dalia Elmahdy, Gabriella Dominguez, and Michelle DeCastro, have recently showcased their innovative research on global food security. Their presentation took place at the esteemed New Jersey Youth...

High Tech’s Theatre Arts Students Perform in the Annual Improv Show and Fundraiser on February 8th, 2024

High Tech’s Theatre Arts Students Perform in the Annual Improv Show and Fundraiser on February 8th, 2024

Only two weeks after our successful run of You Can’t Take It With You, High Tech Theatre Arts improvisers performed in our Annual Improv Show, consisting of original skits and live improvisation performances created by each of the four Theatre Classes. The show followed an SNL style format that started with the typical Cold Opening,...

High Tech Theater Arts Drama performs You Can’t Take It With You

High Tech Theater Arts Drama performs You Can’t Take It With You

This year, the Theater Arts Drama classes presented this hilarious romantic comedy as their Winter Show and midterm for the Senior drama students who all played the characters with skill and playfulness. The students, directed by their teacher, Raluca Georgiana Shields, focused on spoken and unspoken comedic skills, physical comedy, movement, and improvisational skills in...

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