High Tech High School HTHS HTHS World Languages
French Students Shine at Prestigious Lycée Français Theatre Festival
We Educate Students for College and Careers
County Prep Student wins “Honorable Mention” in 32nd Annual Orlando Saa Foreign Languages Poetry Recitation Contest
The County Prep World Language Department is proud to announce that County Prep students excelled once more at the 32nd Annual Orlando Saa Foreign Languages Poetry Recitation Contest held at William Paterson University on May 14th of this year. One of our students, Jamie Lee Roberson, won the “Honorable Mention” award at the Spanish Beginner...
High Tech Again Earns Silver Medal as One of the Best High Schools in U.S. News & World Report
(Washington, D.C.—May 15, 2015) Once more, High Tech High School earned the Silver Medal in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best High Schools” poll, with High Tech placing 1,008 in the nation and 42nd in the state of New Jersey, announced Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech High School. High Tech received its rank based on its students who participated...
15 County Prep Students Recognized as Medal Winners at the SkillsUSA New Jersey State Championships
(Somerset, NJ- May 2, 2015) Fifteen students from County Prep won medals at the SkillsUSA New Jersey State Championships at the Garden State Exhibition Center. The students won two gold medals, eight silver medals, five bronze medals in contests ranging from Medical Math to Photography to Internetworking. Junior Chengru Long, a resident of Kearny, won...
County Prep Students Win 1st & 2nd Place in the 10th Congressional District Art Competition
This year the 10th Congressional District Art Competition was held at the Newark Museum. Two County Prep High School students were recognized for their beautiful photography with top awards. Senior Jessica D'Onofrio won first place in the photography portion with her photograph "Home" and Senior Olesya Hreb won second place with her photograph "Jasmine." Congratulations...
County Prep Theatre Arts Students Alexia Velazquez and Joshua Dunn Receive Full Scholarships to Circle in the Square Theatre School
Circle in the Square Theatre School, the only accredited training conservatory associated with a Broadway theatre in NYC, awarded County Prep Juniors Alexia Velazquez and Joshua Dunn full scholarships for their 7-week intensive Summer Workshop in Musical Theatre. The scholarship covers tuition, transportation and lunch stipend for the entire program. The musical theatre workshop consists...
High Tech NHS Sponsors 5th Annual Prom Boutique
(North Bergen—April 15, 2015) High Tech’s National Honor Society (NHS) sponsored its fifth annual Prom Boutique in the Resource Center of the North Hudson Center, announced Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech High School. The High Tech community and friends of the staff donated such items as gently-used prom dresses, suits, shirts, ties, shoes,...
High Tech NHS Holds 2015 Induction Ceremony
(North Bergen—April 13, 2015) This year, the High Tech National Honor Society inducted 58 seniors, announced Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech High School. The following students earned initiation into the National Honor Society for 2015: Bayonne residents Perihan Badawy, Ida Behreini, Matthew Dynes, Sally Elias, Ahmed Elzokm, Olivia Grasing, Taeka Hayashi, Tyler Law...
County Prep Students Receive Awards at Hudson County Teen Arts Alliance
This year's Hudson County Teen Arts Alliance was held at the Bayonne Public Library from May 5th until the 11th. County Prep High School received 5 Judges Awards and 1 Top Honors Award. Top Honors were awarded to Senior Olesya Hreb for her "Art Requires Concentration" photograph. This is the third year in a row Olesya...
Edutopia to Publish High Tech High School’s Own Case Study Page on May 20th
(San Rafael, CA—May 11, 2015) Edutopia, an online community site sponsored by the George Lucas Education Foundation, will publish four videos produced by High Tech students under the “Schools That Work” section on Wednesday, May 20th, announced Dr. Joseph Giammarella, Principal of High Tech High School. High Tech’s “case study” page, to be displayed at...
Eight High Tech Students Honored at 29th Annual Teen Arts Student Art Expo
(Bayonne, NJ—May 7, 2015) Judges at the 29th Annual Teen Arts Student Art Expo have honored eight High Tech students for their artistic achievements at the award ceremony at the Bayonne Library and Cultural Center, which showcases Hudson County Fine Arts students’ artworks from May 4th through May 11th. High Tech students honored at the...