Inside Look: County Prep's DECA Club Explores MetLife Stadium

Inside Look: County Prep's DECA Club Explores MetLife Stadium

We're thrilled to highlight County Prep's DECA club members and Ms. Murray's Entrepreneurship classes, who recently embarked on an exciting journey through MetLife Stadium. During the exclusive behind-the-scenes tour, students had the opportunity to explore various areas of the stadium, including the lounge rooms, the Giants' awards room, the press box, and the luxurious suites. The highlight of the experience was stepping onto the iconic field, immersing themselves in the atmosphere of professional sports.

Throughout the tour, students gained invaluable insights into the business operations of the stadium, delving into topics such as marketing, advertising, and food vending. This hands-on experience provided a practical understanding of real-world business practices, complementing their classroom learning.Following the tour, students enjoyed a well-deserved lunch at their choice of restaurants at Harmon Meadow in Secaucus, reflecting on their memorable day and the lessons learned.

This immersive experience at MetLife Stadium not only broadened students' perspectives but also inspired them to explore future opportunities in the dynamic world of business and sports management. We extend our gratitude to the organizers of the tour for providing County Prep students with this enriching experience.

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